Automated trading platform for C# developers Automatic trading platform developed in C# language.
Allows to develop market robots for any financial instrument


Welcome to Index Bot

IndexBot is one of the most advanced and reliable bot developed by Market Robots. Its target instruments are market indices. But it's also working quite well with commodities, like for example crude oil. Following the main characteristics of the bot will be resumed:

On the following table, we will show the performance done in some instruments on the past twelve months. Profits are calculated without leverage. If the investor applies a leverage, both profit and drawdown will be amplified according to the leverage level.

Symbol Description Year profit percentage Max. drawdown % Max. drawdown $ Contract multiplier
MES SP50 53% 2,51 $ 571 5
MNQ Nasdaq 72% 3,91 $ 1.646 2
M2K Russel2k 61% 5,36 $ 1.332 5
MCL Oil 120% 10,3 $ 1.718 100
MYM Dow Jones 46% 1,72 $ 295 0,5
QG Natural Gas 130% 13,8 $ 1.953 2500
DAX Germany60 1
IBEX35 Madrid 1
N225M Nikkei MiniYen 70% 4,57
RB Gasoline 42000
TSE60 Canada 200
TSE60 Canada Mini 50
HO Heating Oil 42000
MGC Gold 30 4,8 852 10

Following is shown a chart of net liquidity of one instrument S&P CME Futures (MES) over one year. Note that this chart corresponds to a single instrument. While a chart of more instruments (specially uncorrelated ones) will be more stable

Liquidity chart S&P futures 12 months 18/12/2020 to 17/12/2021


Market Robots ®2025